Guangzhou JeeFoo Tools Co.,Ltd. located in
JEEFOO woodworking tools production company is a specialized production and sales of all kinds CNC woodworking blade, wood cutter knife, weaving blade,woodcarving tools, Straight Bit,Flush Trim Bit,Dovetail Bit,Cove Box Bit,Chamfer Bit,V - grooving Bit, Half Round Bit,Conver Edging Bit ,Round Over Bit, Beading Bit, Roman Ogee Bit, Curved Line Bit, Ball Half Radius Bit, Finger Nail Type Bit, Double Roman Ogee Bit,Classical Bit, Classical Moulding Bit, Classical Cove Bit,Slot Cutter Bit,Classical Ogee Bit, Wavy Edge Bit,Classical Moulding Bit, Mortising Bit,Round Nose Bit, Classical Plunge Bit, Carving Bit, Open&Carving Bit, Hinge Boring Bit, Hinge Boring Bit, 1/4"Round Carving Bit, Dragon Ball Bit, Palace Type Bit, Classical Cove Bit, Arch Type Bit, Drawing Line Bit, Double Beading Bit, Danrail Classical Bit, Roman Classical Bit, Table Corner Bit, Traditionaling Boring Bit, Table Edge Bit, Traditional Bit, Moulding Bit, Table Edge Bit, Table Ogee Bit, Table Curved Bit, Horse Nose Bit, Bull Nose Bit, Edge Beading Bit, Mulit Edge Beading Bit, Edge Beading Bit, Classical Mulit-Form Bit, etc.These bits can form edges, mill stock for joints, add decorative veining or inlays and even make raised panel door.
Our products are popular all over the country, has been widely supported by various industries and recognized in the region has a good reputation. Loyalty for you! Your satisfaction is our relentless pursuit!