The past two years , China 's Mould market to the good momentum of development , metal industry has become an important field of stimulating consumption and increase economic growth point . Stage of China's mold industry mainly in the low-end products, high-end products and have not yet realized the localization of key components .
China Mould market prospects , the rapid development of metal mold industry , regardless of the number of products or production scale has improved leaps and development , sales and exports growing mold . However , China's huge consumer market continues to attract the attention of foreign enterprises in metal molds , metal molds growing number of multinational companies in the Chinese market .
Our metal mold industry is necessary to play as the foundation of the advantages of traditional industries , but also continue to promote the upgrading of industrial structure , improve the market competitiveness of high-end products , the early realization of the transition from the labor-intensive to technology-intensive industries, shorten the international advanced metal mold industry level gap.
Traditional industrial products is necessary for daily living and production , new industries are mostly relying on traditional industries to develop. China's mold industry will have the advantage of such a foundation . However, with the development of the times , the times of traditional industries need to carry out industrial restructuring and seek new development , there is no backward industries , only the backward mode of production .
Mould enterprises should enhance creativity , cultivate the formation of professional R & D team to develop high-end product development technology , the early realization of high-end products domestically ; optimize the industrial structure , promote industrial upgrading ; development of industrial clusters , industry groups to enhance competitive advantage ; solid domestic market actively explore foreign markets.
Mould development industry matures today, how the industry has a sustainable productivity and competitiveness , the development of the industry , companies must think about survival . In the fierce market competition at home and abroad , the metal mold industry should maintain its own advantages, continue to break through the bottleneck , so seize the initiative in the market right to speak and to achieve sustainable development.