Plants should consider undertaking CNC tool grinding , a lot of grounds , including CNC tool grinding can be processed into high-quality, long-life tool , with high process flexibility and control , while also saving costs.
Since the plant is not part of the core tool grinding capacity , so in order to confirm the reasonableness of the grinding plant must be carefully analyzed.
Plants must be able to specify a full-time operator to operate the machine . Performed on CNC tool grinding operator training is not difficult, but he must have experience in operating CNC machine about five years . In addition, the operator must also have a good working knowledge of the tool . Plants can be equipped with a CNC grinding machine is reasonable and flexibility based on financial reasons inspection. From a financial perspective, using standard processing tool takes at least $ 200,000 per year in terms of tool regrinding . However , the use of non-standard tools or frequent tool changes the factory, if equipped with an internal re-grinding facility , so you can quickly re- grind these tools.
Advantages of CNC grinding
Manual grinder grinding tool within the company and certain clinical problems . For example , wear a tool you need more than one machine . For example, a drill grinding requires a slot machine, a cylindrical grinder and a sharpening machine . This requires multiple setups . Instead, a CNC grinder grinding sets only need to complete a single setup . Meanwhile, a CNC grinding machine footprint than the multiple manual grinder to be small . Another problem is dirty problem Carbide chips produced by non- manual machine closed formation. Most importantly, the manual grinder dependent on operator skill proficiency , and this has now become an increasingly scarce resource.
Finally , manual grinding time much longer than the CNC grinding . The data in Table 1 is a car provided by the manufacturer , in which the manual and CNC tool grinding time were compared. With the tool geometry becomes more complex , the grinding time will increase significantly.
Outsourcing involves a problem is the lack of flexibility. For example , if the plant uses a special tool geometry , or participate in the features needed to quickly resolve the tool development work , it is possible to encounter a very long time regrinding . In addition, co- processing tool regrinding the quality of external controllability small. Outer Association process, from heavy grinding plant to determine the timing of each project, so plants are likely to find themselves to be reground tools lined up a list of teams last long . The internal grinding plants but can be controlled and priority scheduling tool regrinding .