CNC tool is a tool used for cutting machinery manufacturing, after years of development, China's CNC tool industry matured, not only variety and complete specifications, great to meet the market demand for mold manufacturing. Due to the economic situation downturn, many business owners are looking for ways to reduce costs and increase productivity. So their long service life, and affordable CNC tool soft spot. CNC tool type, size range, a huge number, more common in the market, there are cutters, boring tools, reamers, drills, turning and pulling knives. They are widely used in high hardness, high strength cutting industries, such as fine machining technology, automotive, energy, motorcycle industry, automotive and electronics and information technology industries.
It is understood that this year's economic situation is grim environment, somewhat affect the CNC tool industry, but fortunately corporate demand remains stable. However, more and more enterprises precision CNC tool made more stringent requirements. In fact, customers buy tools, in addition to value whether to complete the processing quality, the more attention on how to reduce costs and achieve higher workpiece profits. Enterprise service awareness tool from the tool itself, turning the entire value chain of the workpiece to minimize the cost of production-oriented customers. For customers, the purchase of CNC tool first concern is the quality and the price, so the CNC tool industry to do better in versatility, stability and accuracy. Many novel blade shape from Japan, the United States, Switzerland, South Korea imported CNC tool, smaller blade sizes, the smaller cutting edge angle and a new clamping structure, loved by many companies. In addition, various combinations, dedicated CNC tool is currently the automotive, mold and other industries important processing tool. Its biggest feature is the number one clamping process can be completed, so management tool to reduce the cost and other aspects of the tool displays a remarkable effect.
However, many CNC tool dealers also clearly recognize that the current CNC tool on the market, domestic CNC tool capability of independent innovation is weak. In the high-end product development, the use of imitation mainly import substitution policy. This approach led to the development of technically entirely dependent countries, the development of the initiative lost forever behind others go. Whether the seller or manufacturer, must be fully aware of this, in the development of continuous solid foundation, enhance the ability of independent development, better market positioning, improving share of high-end products. This is the main task of the tool and die industry, future trends in domestic development.