China's hardwareindustry hasgraduallybecome theworld's most advancedmetal processingand exporting countries,has become one ofthe world'slargest producer of metal.Among them, China'shardware industry, there areat least 70% of private enterprises,has a vastpotentialmarket and the consumer,the main forceofChina's hardware industrydevelopment.
Domesticusers, particularlyexposure toindustrialusersare not manyindependent brands,their qualityand serviceis not enoughtrust, whichhas also becomeChinaHardware Toolsbrand developmentis stillblockedthe main reason.China is stilla developingcountry,hardware and toolsmanufacturerbasedSMEs,low-levelredundant constructionis veryserious.Enterprisesshouldhave tostart fromin order to developproducts, qualityand brand.
Price competition,imitationandOEM productiononly forthe earlymarket,competition is weakphases, and with thedevelopment of the industryand increased competition, hardware and toolsindustry intobrandcompetition stage,improve the technologicalcontent of products, with their ownpatents,brands andservices,is benevolententerprise survival and development.The next three yearswill be thehardware industry'sgoldenbrand, hardware and toolsbusinessto dobrand building.
First of all,to dothe brand positioning
Brandpositioning is notprice positioning, but according tothe needs ofthe target marketandtheir strengthsto locate,such asStanleyToolsbrand positioningis the world'sexperts.Whenhardware toolsenterprises inbrand positioning, we must firstidentify the targetmarket, and thencompared with thecompetitorsand discovertheir strengths,combined withthemarket demand forbusiness advantage,forming the corevalues of the brand, and thendo thebrand positioning!
Secondly, tocreate a goodbrand
Aftergood brandpositioning, you need toaddress the relationshipof corporate brandand products.Currently, manyhardware and toolsbusinessfocus ofthebrand competitionfocusedon the product, and forthe more maturetechnologyhardware toolsindustry,product homogeneityis a universalphenomenon,the productof excessivecompetitionisa direct result ofprice competition,which led todecline inthe quality of products, the lack ofinnovation.In fact,customersbuyis not onlythe product itself,more of afeelfor the product, including thefeatures,quality, priceand service,as well asappearance,these feelingstogetherto form abrand.In addition,the brand imageshould be clear,notclearbrand image ofa company'sbusiness, andhowwillcustomers get therecognition?Not to mention thepremium brand.
Finally, tomakethe brand communication
Currentlybrandhardware tools industrymessy,andif youignore the power ofmedia,public relations, it isdifficult to establish aunified brandimage, not to mentiongoodbrand communication.On thehardware industry, themediahas a lottransmissible,Hardware ToolsFactory Storeis one of them.HomeHardware ToolsFactoryStorebrandDaquancolumnisdedicated to showcasingthe brandof hardware toolspage, there aremore than 3,000large and smallbrands to enterhardware tools,hardware toolsis the bestplatform forbusinesspromotionof the brand.
Overall,the current brandofhardware tools industrycompetitionis still relativelyweak, exceptStanleyandCedelin a leadership position, the otherbrandrankingis not stable,the industryis relativelycompetitivebrandconfusion, whichwill providebusinessdevelopmenthardware toolsMakea great opportunity!