The current domestic hardware industry is in a stable state of development bearing, as the market continued development and progress, for products bearing a higher requirement. Domestic products bearing low-tech, unable to meet the changing market demands. For this situation, the domestic bearing manufacturers need to actively develop high-end products bearing, increase scientific and technological innovation, and ultimately led to the foundation foundry industry internationalization.
Under the guidance of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", China's foundry industry to develop high-end bearing industry development planning, project and export two carriages pulling the development of the domestic mold industry. I believe in all areas, driven rail transportation, medical equipment, new energy, aerospace, automotive and other lightweight development, China's foundry industry bearing significantly improved. Today, China Machinery foundry industry is moving higher product quality and lower manufacturing costs forward direction of development, and strive to reach or approach international advanced level. By 2015, sales of high-end bearing foundry industry reached 222 billion yuan or so.