This geometry provides a surface for the end mill a longer tool life, less vibration, higher feed rate, a higher surface finish. Tool life extension is due to wear of the main cutting edge, a second edge remains relatively sharp. Extend tool life also benefit from the cutting process to reduce vibration levels. Two teeth relatively close distance between the teeth and the workpiece so that produce irregular contact, thus greatly reducing harmful vibration harmonics. Each group varies between the helix angle of the cutting edge also helps to control the vibration.
Since each cutting edge chip reduction, doubling the amount of feed blade enables increased proportionately. (For each of the secondary cutting edge, the second edge of the chip amount less than in the first tooth. Of course, the size of chips generated second blade is relatively small). Low vibration and longer lasting cutting edge sharpness in order to improve surface finish and make a contribution.
This end mill also has an optional cooling tank, in order to surround the same helix angle along the shank. Cooling tank such that the cutter body is supplied from the cooling liquid along the groove into the cutting area, thereby improving the cooling of and remove debris.
This end mill currently available in diameters from 0.25 to 1.0 inches in size. When the pressure type or the finalization process will be coated with altin coating. According to the developer, said, "raptor" end mill price and similar to the traditional solid carbide end mill quite.