Metal cutting tools with removal of excess material from the metal surface, resulting in a processing method in the geometry of the part, dimensional accuracy, surface roughness and surface layer quality and other aspects are in line with the requirements. The core issue is the interaction part of the cutting tool and the workpiece surface, namely the cutting action of the tool and the workpiece anti-cutting action. This is the cutting of the principal contradiction, while cutting action of the tool is the main aspect of the contradiction.
Using new tools for efficient, high-quality, low-cost production is an important way to improve the modern enterprise economic efficiency. Improved tool materials technology development is the main tool. On the basis of the existing tool material, tool geometry by improving the design of cutting state practice is an effective method of production. cirp released a research report: "Due to improvement of the tool material, tool allowable cutting speed is doubled every 10 years; and as tools to improve the structure and geometry of the tool life of 10 years almost two times every increase. "With the new tool materials can improve the cutting tools, while optimizing the geometry of the cutting tool parts is able to give full play to the power of new materials.
Modern tools should not only be able to meet the needs of high-speed cutting, dry machining, hard cutting, complex machining and other advanced cutting technology, and diversification of product features, rationalizing the structure, beautiful appearance declared type, it is also higher Claim. Unfortunately for a long time tool designed primarily rely on experience, relying on trial and error (try-and-error), this method is inefficient, long development cycle, apparently hindered the development and use of new tools, can not meet the advanced machining technology needs urgent need of advanced tool design technology.