The tool can also be confirmed by high-precision tool life - the life of the hinge head camshaft hole 8000. For the finishing hole of the camshaft, replace the hinge heads may bring additional cost savings. Wear of the guide block is much smaller than the hinge head wear, and therefore need to be replaced before the tool holder, the hinge head often replace several times. Mr. fürstenau said: "This means that any line we will run on the machine 100% tolerance line detection In addition, the replacement of the tool before machining the cylinder must be full of poor production quality control, they will be fully measured. deviation tolerances are in the initial stages of being identified, so that the reliability of our production is guaranteed. "
Cylinder head machining quality is the level of vehicle performance and ultimately affect the primary factor. The new standard is like new 1200 motorcycle set the standard not only refers to the performance, including its inherent superior power. So komet tool in terms of finishing the camshaft drilling has also developed a new level, but also to verify the long-precision tool new concept.