Improved technology has led to the development of the tool used more and more how much the efficiency of cutting material. This constant technical development of the tool's efficiency by about 30 times in the 20th century. cvd pvd coating thin coating and surface properties of the tool has a great improvement, until now this effect is far from exhaustive. The use of modern analytical techniques, can be clearly observed in the microstructure of the tool surface to accurately understand its significant role in the optimization. ?
Previously, the surface structure of the tool through a predetermined processing sequence to achieve, can now be carried out in accordance with the functional design optimization tool performance. ?
The purpose of surface modification treatment is to improve surface friction conditions, which will help to improve tool life or processing efficiency, help improve the tool wear, help to reduce friction heat, reduce wear. The most common treatment method for surface modification of surface coating materials. By high hardness metal carbides, nitrides, and composite oxides, can tune the performance of the single compounds, especially in improving the abrasion resistance, anti-oxidation wear, diffusion wear and adhesive wear like capabilities. Of course, the other material into the surface (for example, by injection) may also have a lasting effect on the surface properties of materials.