The higher the hardness of the workpiece material, the cutting speed should be smaller. Superhard tools using hard turning finishing cutting speed range suitable for 80 ~ 200m / min, commonly in the range of 10 ~ 150m / min; using a large cut deep or heavy interrupted cutting of high hardness materials, cutting speed should be maintained at 80 ~ 100m / min. Under normal circumstances, the cutting depth is between 0.1 ~ 0.3mm.
Low surface roughness of the workpiece, the optional small depth of cut, but not too small, to be appropriate. Feed rate can usually choose between 0.05 ~ 0.25mm / r, depending on the specific values of surface roughness value and productivity requirements. When the surface roughness when ra = 0.3 ~ 0.66μm, using super-hard cutting tools for hard turning much more useful than the grinding economy.
In addition to selecting a reasonable tool, the superhard cutting tools for hard turning using no special requirements on the lathe or turning center, a lathe or turning center if sufficient rigidity, and can obtain the required accuracy and surface roughness of the workpiece during machining of soft, i.e. can be used for cutting hard. In order to ensure smooth and continuous, commonly used method is to use rigid clamping means and secondary rake angle cutter turning operations. If the workpiece in the cutting force its positioning, support and rotation can remain fairly steady state, existing equipment can superhard tools using hard turning.