Situation dry cutting technology research
Dry cutting technology is to meet the growing global environmental requirements and sustainable development strategies and developed a green cutting technology. 1995 scientific significance dry cutting was officially established in 1997, international production Engineering Research Council (cirp) annual meeting, Germany aachen University professor f.klocke made "dry cutting" theme of the report; January 1999 in US National Science Foundation, "Design and manufacturing disciplines" grantees meeting, Dr. president bperdel internationally renowned tool manufacturer mapal company also gave a keynote report on the development of American dry cutting, dry cutting technology industry and has been in various countries academia caused widespread concern. Currently in Europe, the United States and Japan and other industrialized countries attach great importance to Stem cutting, dry cutting technology has been successfully applied to the production area, which has some particularly strict relationship with a strong industrial base in these countries and environmental regulations. In which German companies are particularly prevalent in mass production, 10% -15% of dry cutting technology processing, and achieved good economic returns, many of the world-renowned machine tool manufacturers in their catalog has dry cutting machining centers. Japan in dry machining also carried out extensive research, recently they have developed several cutting fluid without the use of dry machining center. On one of these machines, equipped with liquid nitrogen cooling of dry cutting system, extraction of high purity nitrogen from air. 5-6 months at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure liquid nitrogen sent to the cutting area, can successfully achieve dry cutting.