Diamond saw blade manufacture
The nature of the matrix of diamond saw blade is suitable matrix material by diamond mosaic fixed. It is a kind of diamond particles and welding material matrix composite sintered body on the substrate steel, often referred to as heads. At present, the domestic connection method is mainly used in brazing and cold sintering. Mainly used for small pieces of cold sintering, brazing, saw the matrix, the tip bonding surface by molten solder connection penetration, low flexural strength, flexural strength of only 350 ~ 600n / mm2, carrying ability, especially dry when cut, the blade due to the heat to high temperature solder softens, often leading to head off, causing the danger of injury to the operator, so foreign from the late 1980s on the development of laser welding instead of soldering. Laser braze compared with many significant advantages, since the laser heated area is small, small heat-affected zone, it greatly reduces the stress and matrix deformation; no effect on the diamond, to ensure the best performance, especially laser welding belong to fusion welding, high bond strength, flexural strength of 1800n / mm2, can be used in dry cutting applications.