Generating a continuous tradition of turning track, the surface finish is mainly determined by the corner radius, feed rate, cutting speed and depth of cut. Instead, parts of the surface quality interpolation car depends on the quality of the cutting edge. As a result, plunging parts exhibit low residual stress in the axial direction, and sealing characteristics and the same or better compared to the grinding surface.
Using solid PCBN inserts, these stress pattern remains constant, even when a large number of production likewise. 250 inserted in a test car parts in the physical characteristics of the test and found that the residual stress was significantly lower than the stress caused by grinding. Parts quality is also affected by the tangential residual stress distribution. In 250 parts additional testing, the grinding and plug cars are residual tensile stress on the surface, but on the part of its thickness plunging affected area apparently thinner.
Insert the car was also found to reduce the incidence whitening layer, because it reduces flank wear on the cutting edge is attributed to each of the machined surface a shorter cutting time. It also generates less force and less friction, resulting in less heat transfer to the workpiece surface.
Although often seen as hard turning much higher than your traditional finishing methods, the recent development of tools and technologies are gradually changing the concept. With answer questions about the surface finish and integrity to meet the requirements of the ability of hard turning finishing as an economic good alternative to grinding programs are more widely recognized. Greater flexibility, faster tool changes and longer tool life are to reduce processing costs, improve productivity and better quality parts have a role, far more than the initial cost of PCBN Tools.